Basic Grooming Services

Explore our basic grooming services at Klassy Clips Mobile Grooming, designed to keep your pet looking and feeling great. From baths to brushing, our services ensure a clean, happy, and healthy pet.


Our bathing service uses high-quality shampoos and conditioners to ensure a deep clean that’s both gentle and effective, leaving your pet's coat shiny and soft.


Regular brushing removes dead hair and skin, stimulates blood flow, and helps distribute natural oils throughout your pet’s coat, promoting health and vitality.

Nail Trimming

Nail trimming is essential for maintaining good paw health. We carefully trim your pet's nails to the perfect length, preventing discomfort and potential injuries.

Ear Cleaning

Our ear cleaning service gently removes dirt and wax, reducing the risk of infections and helping your pet hear better.

Teeth Brushing

Regular teeth brushing keeps your pet’s mouth healthy, preventing tartar build-up and freshening breath.

Paw Pad Trim

Trimming the fur around paw pads helps prevent matting and accumulation of debris, ensuring your pet's comfort and mobility.

Sanitary Trim

A sanitary trim ensures your pet stays clean and hygienic, especially around sensitive areas.


Our de-shedding service significantly reduces loose hair from shedding, making your pet more comfortable and your home cleaner.